PT Pertamina Hulu Energi - Waste to Energy for Community (Wasteco)
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi as the Upstream Subholding of PT Pertamina (Persero), the Indonesia’s State-Owned Energy Company through PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), part of the Pertamina Upstream Subholding Kalimantan Region, has developed the program of Waste to Energy for Community or ‘Wasteco’ in Manggar Village, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Wasteco Program, which is part of the larger Desa Energi Berdikari of PERTAMINA initiative to provide accessible, reliable and sustainable, community-based, and renewable energy to community, has been initiated by PHM to enhance the community access to environmentally-friendly, affordable, and sustainable energy to support SDGs 7. Utilization of renewable energy contributes to emission reductions and can support SDG 13. Further, the provision of renewable energy for the community is intended to improve the community's economy, and for the community, to receive income generated from these economic activities, which also supports SDGs 8.
The Wasteco program has been implemented by PHM in collaboration with the city government of Balikpapan which owns the final processing site in Manggar, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan. The Wasteco program supports the community's waste management by converting waste into methane gas, which can be used to provide gas needs of the households and micro, small and medium enterprises.
The volume of waste generated in Manggar Landfill is up to 175 thousand tons/year. This caused another problem of methane gas from waste which is released into the atmosphere since it is not utilized. On the other hand, the methane gas has the potential to be used as a new renewable energy source that can give social and economic impacts for the community.
To maximize outreach efforts, PHM has been working closely with the Balikpapan Development Planning Board (Bappeda), the Balikpapan Environmental Agency (DLH) as well as collaborating with NGOs, Universities, and other relevant stakeholders who have succeeded in providing access to renewable energy sources that is more affordable, reliable, and sustainable for the community.
Presently, Wasteco has benefited 304 households and 22 MSMEs, generates about 594,000 m³ of methane gas from waste annually, thereby helping beneficiaries save up to IDR 299 million per year in household expenses and achieving a reduction in emissions of about 288.449 tons CO2eq/year.
In addition, PHM had built a mini gas power plant to supply electricity to the final processing site in Manggar. This program integrates the Company’s core competency in gas production and distribution with CID initiatives.
The latest SROI results showed that the program has provided social benefits of more than IDR17,96 in total for the community and related stakeholders.