

Best Practices Award

Rewards organizations that have the best practice in sustainability.


The award winners are further graded into:

  • Outstanding Practice: for the top ranked practices in each sub-category
  • Great Practice: for the practices selected by the panel judges




The judges will evaluate participants based on the criteria below:

  • (25%) Strategies and Objectives
  • (40%) Impacts, Effectiveness, and Continuity
  • (35%) Performance and Leadership




Entries will be submitted through the official website.


A. Submit the entries online with the details including but not limited to:

  • Project name
  • Aim of the project
  • The project objectives,implementation processes, timeframe and any other details
  • Introduction of team members or/and partners
  • Describe engagement between the project and company products or service if any
  • Developments: Factors that determine the implementation and the outcomes of the project.
  • Innovation: Latest concepts and ideas introduced in this project and the context in which they arose.
  • Results: Quantitative and/or qualitative results achieved and the criteria by which they were evaluated.


B. Supporting documents include but not limited to:

  • Certifications
  • Posters and photos
  • Multimedia presentations



Fees and Payments

USD $1,230



Registration is now open:



For further detail, please refer to the guideline here:

Click to download


Nomination Form for Best Practices Award:

Click to download


Sustainability Reporting Checklist:

Click to download


Check out the winners of 2023 GCSA Best Practice Award:
